The success rate for long distance relationships is pretty slim.
Here are 3 tips on bettering your odds and protecting your
relationship from being destroyed by distance.
1. Use any and all means to stay connected. Skype, Facetime,
emails, Facebook, texts, postcards, love letters in the post and
personal visits whenever possible.
2. Plan your future together. Set milestones for visits, vacations,
and the eventual reunion. Create a fun way to count down to
the next time you’ll be together.
3. Make your communication meaningful. You need to move
beyond, “how was your day” and “missing you” if you want to
raw closer while you are apart.
I highly recommend Michael Webb’s 1000 Questions for Couples.
You can get all the questions at once or he will even email them
to you 3 or 4 a day for 300 days. That way you can spread out
the questions and grow deeper in your relationship over a 10
month period of time.
Check out his list of questions:
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